What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable household income. A single source series is used, taken from EU-SILC, as reported by Eurostat (ilc_di12 series). We adjust the data back by one year to align with the income reference period used within the EU-SILC survey.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals, assuming resources are split equally within couples.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Post-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals, assuming resources are split equally within couples.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Percentage of individuals living in households with equivalised disposable income (EU scale) below 50 per cent of the median. A single source series is used, taken from Ólafsson & Sigurðsson (1996).
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Percentage of individuals living in households with equivalised (EU scale) disposable income below 60 per cent of the median. A single source series is used, taken from EU-SILC and ECHP surveys, as reported by Eurostat (ilc_li03 series). We adjust the data back by one year to align with the income reference period used within the surveys.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Earnings at top decile as percentage of median earnings. A single source series is used, taken from OECD.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient for employment earnings. A single source series is used, taken from Ólafsson and Sigurðsson (1996).