What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient of per-capita income. A single source series is used, taken from Vecchi (forthcoming), computed by Amendola, Brandolini and Vecchi based on work from Brandolini (1999), Brandolini and Vecchi (2011) and Vecchi (2011); income is deflated using a spatial index of the cost of living at the regional level based on the work of Amendola, Kiswani and Vecchi (2009). Figures provided directly by Giovanni Vecchi.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from WID.world. Data relates to individuals over age 20.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Percentage of individuals in households with equivalised (modified OECD scale) disposable income below 60 per cent of the median. A single source series is used, taken from Bank of Italy.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gross individual earnings at top decile as percentage of median, as presented in Atkinson (2008), with later figures provided directly by Andrea Brandolini.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Equivalised net wealth (modified OECD scale) share of top 1%. These figures are from Brandolini et al (2004) and Brandolini (2014) are combined to produce a single source.
What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Equivalised net wealth (modified OECD scale) share of top 10%. These figures are from Cannari & D'Alessio (2018) with updated figures for 2016; between 1968 and 1975, estimates are based on synthetic data; after 1987, estimates are based on historical archive data.