
Overall Income Inequality: Gini coefficient - Gross family income

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient of unequivalised gross family income. A single source series is used, taken from Table A 5 in Aaberge, Atkinson and Modalsli (2016), which is derived from the average of the upper and lower bound measures presented in Table A 1. This paper uses tax records from municipal and central government tax assessments until 1966, then switches source in 1967 to micro-data from Statistics Norway.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Overall Income Inequality: Gini coefficient - Equivalisd disposable household income ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gini coefficient of equivalised (EU scale) disposable household income for the total population. A single source series is used, taken from Statistics Norway, Income and wealth statistics for households, via StatBank.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Top Income Shares: Share of top 1% - Pre-tax national income (equal-split adults) ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Top Income Shares: Share of top 1% - Post-tax national income (equal-split adults) ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Post-tax national income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from Data relates to individuals over age 20, assuming resources are split equally within couples.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Top Income Shares: Share of top 1% - Pre-tax fiscal income (equal-split adults, excluding capital gains) ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Pre-tax fiscal income share held by top percentile. A single source series is used, taken from Data relates to individuals over age 16. In practice, although taxation is joint, separate filing has become increasingly prevalent; from 1998 Statistics Norway ceased to treat married couples with joint taxation as one personal taxpayer

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Poverty: Share below 60% median - Equivalised disposable household income ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Share of population with equivalised (EU scale) disposable household cash income below 60% of the median. A single source series is used, taken from Statistics Norway, Income and wealth statistics for households, via StatBank. Data before 2004 are based on the Income Distribution Survey (Inntekts- og formuesundersøkelsen for husholdninger - IF). Figures prior to 1996 provided directly by Jon Epland at Statistics Norway.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Earnings Dispersion: Top decile as % median - Gross individual earnings ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Gross individual earnings at top decile as percentage of median from OECD; linked at 2002 to the earlier series from Statistics Norway's Income Distribution Surveys, as presented in Atkinson (2008), based on income tax records and household interviews.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?

Wealth Inequality: Share of top 1% - Net wealth ★

What is the source data that the Chartbook relies on? Individual net wealth share held by wealthiest 1% from Iacono & Palagi (2021). Linked back at 2011 to earlier series from Roine and Waldenström (2015); note that this series refers to households, except for the figures for 1983-93, which refer to "adjusted individuals"; these data are based on wealth tax returns from Statistics Norway in 1912 and 1930, wealth sums tabulations 1948-93, and tabulated wealth distributions from Statistics Norway since 1993.

How does the Chartbook series compare with the source data?
